Having had fantastic luck with a bundle of misprint seconds from the MasterofMiniatures Etsy store, I went all-in on a similar offer from a different store grabbing one bundle of 28/32mm scale models and one of misprint busts. Sadly, while the quantity of resin was huge, the quality was lacking. Nothing in the huge bag of tabletop resin is usable, and my greenstuff skills aren't up to replacing whole legs.
The busts were a little better. Of the 5 in the bag, one is good enough to paint, but the others are fit only for scrap or practice.
Or are they?
Lately I've been taking a break from miniatures and making some terrain. It struck me that a 75mm giant head makes the kind of 28mm scale statue that might be quite appropriate for the Wizards of Felsted, who are known for being somewhat caught up on their own mythologies.
And so with a little milliput, some misprints have found a second life as broken terrain pieces. An idea I might try to replicate with the 28mm figures.