The exit ramp touches down on Bulwark's sand-encrusted landing pad and I take the lead, E.R.I.C. behind me and Eveline bringing up the rear. I double and triple checked the route before leaving the ship; I've been to this trading city dozens of times but never to this particular bar. Walking out of the climate controlled ship is like walking out of a fridge and into a blast furnace. Eveline an I are both wearing desert goggles - pretty much a necessity on this world even in the cities, and the lenses almost immediately began to darken as they sense the bright afternoon sunlight.
Monday, 14 October 2024
Starforged - Mina the lore keeper: Session 7, The wrong place at the wrong time
is a short walk across town, along a well-researched route. But I think
there's an opportunity for something to happen en-route. None of the
journey moves are quite right, so we'll face danger with wits to
represent vigilance.
Face Danger + Wits (2)
[Miss: 2 + 2 + 0 = 4 vs 8 | 4]
Pay the Price: 28 - Your action causes collateral damage or has an unintended effect
Location (Inhabited) theme - Peril: Signs of unrest or rebellion
established that this sector is in the midst of a Civil War. I'm
getting some proper Rogue One vibes from this scene, so let's roll with
Gather Information + Wits (2)
[Strong Hit: 3 + 2 + 0 = 5 vs 4 | 2] + 2 momentum, but we're already maxed out.
keep an eye on the doorways and windows as we pass, and I know Eveline
is watching the rooftops. At the same moment I see a hooded figure duck
back into cover to avoid my glance, she sends a terse message through
the comm, "Sniper rifle up high 10 o'clock. Break break break." I grab
E.R.I.C. and throw myself into the nearest doorway, backing up as far as
I can into cover. I don't see Eveline but I trust that she's found
something solid to hide behind. I put one hand on my holstered laspistol
and pause, breathing as lightly as I dare.
All is still for 10 seconds, and just as I'm beginning to wonder if we've overreacted the first explosion goes off.
street empties as energy bolts start flying, and I catch a glimpse of
Eveline sighting down her rifle from a doorway across from us. A figure
stands up and lines up a grenade toss from further up the road - Eveline
is focused on her target and hasn't seen it. No time for comms, I draw
my pistol and fire off a flurry of lasfire in their direction hoping to
distract them.
I think this probably counts as entering the fray, and since I'm getting the drop on someone we'll roll it with Shadow.
Enter the Fray + Shadow (1)
[Weak Hit: 2 + 1 + 0 = 3 vs 1 | 3]
take control. I don't think we're the target of this ambush, so I'm going to set
this as a dangerous encounter. Combat Objective will be to escape the ambush.
Strike + Edge (2)
[Strong Hit: 3 + 2 + 0 = 5 vs 1 | 3] Mark 2 progress (that's 4 boxes for a dangerous encounter)
Progress 4/10 [****______]
grenade thrower drops their grenade and throws themself back into
cover. A few seconds later there's an explosion and gunfire from that
location stops. I hear a voice in my ear "they're onto you, move it" and
Eveline starts laying down fire at a point a couple of dozen meters
ahead of me. I see a glint from the rooftop opposite and run for the
cover of a transport vehicle stopped in the middle of the street.
Gain Ground + Edge (2)
[Miss: 4 + 2 + 0 = 6 vs 6 | 6] with a match
Burn momentum (+10 reset to + 2)
[Strong Hit: 4 + 2 + 0 = 10 vs 6 | 6] with a match
Mark Progress 6/10 [******____]
+2 Momentum (+4)
worth burning momentum, and we get some back right away. Since our
objective is survival, finding better cover is suitable narrative
progress, and it also turns that match into a positive twist rather than
Action Oracle: Release
We are next to a transport. If we were to open it, what would we let out?
Theme Oracle: Knowledge
I skid to a halt behind the transport I hear a plink as an old
fashioned slug round ricochets off the chassis of the vehicle. A
bulletproof hiding place sounds good; I yank the rear door and to my
surprise it opens right away. Inside I see the driver pressed against
the front of the compartment where there's an access hatch from the
front seats. He scrambles as he sees me standing there holding the
pistol, and doesn't seem too happy when I climb inside. I point the
pistol away from him and shout to be hear over the general chaos.
"I'm not going to shoot you. I landed on this planet fifteen minutes ago. What the hell is going on?"
Compel + Heart (3)
[Strong Hit: 3 + 3 + 0 = 6 vs 4 | 4] with a match
+1 momentum (5)
We'll come back to that match. For now, let's pick up the knowledge from the last match roll.
looking at the pistol he shouts back "government sympathisers attacking
patrols. They appear, all hell breaks loose for a few minutes and then
they vanish. Military advice is to get the hell off the streets and let
them handle it". I grimace, "wish I'd followed that advice." I glance up
at the access hatch.
Is there some kind of bio-security lock? Seems likely.
Ask the Oracle: 85 - No
pleasantly surprised to see that there doesn't seem to be a lock. "If
you see an annoying golden droid out back do me a favour and haul him in
will you?" I push through the hatch staying low without waiting for an
answer. I climb into the driver's seat, keeping my head down, and try
very hard not to think about how stupid this next move is. I risk a
glance out the window to see if E.R.I.C is still where I left him.
Is E.R.I.C. still in the spot where I left him? Likely.
Ask the Oracle: 12 - Yes
Is he damaged? 50/50
Ask the Oracle: 73 - Yes
What kind of harm have they suffered?
D6 Fortune roll: 4 - Serious Harm (-2 health)
Companion takes a hit + their health (1):
[Miss: 2 + 1 + 0 = 3 vs 3 | 8] - It's worse than you thought
E.R.I.C loses another health point and goes down or I take -2
momentum.In this case I think I'll take a momentum penalty (3). It fits
the fiction - getting a damaged E.R.I.C. into the back of the transport
is going to slow me down and leave me a sitting duck for precious
is there but he's slumped in the doorway. Sparks are pouring from his
hip actuators and one of his legs is lying on the floor next to him.
Swearing, I slew the transport over to the building and run back through
the hatch to pull him in.
Face Danger + Heart (3)
[Weak Hit: 2 + 3 + 0 = 5 vs 5 | 3] - Succeed at a cost, make a suffer move.
much as he can be annoying, I think Mina is pretty attached to
E.R.I.C. The fiction suggests they've been together for a while, and
she's not a fighter so I don't think she's accustomed to seeing a
companion take damage, even if it's a bot. This would be a very
stressful experience.
Endure Stress: Serious Stress, -2 Spirit (3)
looks worse up close. I lose a valuable second to despair as I pick up
the severed leg and stare at it, but an explosion and a burst of charge
fire bring me back to my senses and I toss the leg into the back of the
transport, grabbing hold of E.R.I.C. and supporting the bot into the
vehicle. "Hold on tight, we're getting out of here".
send a comm message to Eveline asking "where are you? I'm coming to get
you." The reply comes quickly interspersed by curses thrown at some
unseen assailant. "I'm coming to you, cover me". Poking my head
round the side of the transport, I see Eveline break cover and start to
run. Two figures on the rooftop behind her notice the movement and start
to raise weapons. "Oh no you don't!", before I've had time to think the
laspistol is in my hand and I fire a wild burst, emptying the rest of
the pistol's charge pack in the direction of the rooftop.
last combat action was a strong hit on Gain Ground, so we'll pick up
from there and Gain Ground again, this time with Heart as we come to
Eveline's aid. Mina isn't trying to hit anyone, she wants to get their
heads down and stop them firing as her friend runs for cover.
Gain Ground + Heart (3)
[Weak Hit: 3 + 3 + 0 = 6 vs 10 | 1] Retain control and mark progress.
Mark Progress 8/10 [********__]
don't think I hit anything, but the mini-fusillade does its job. The
two on the rooftop duck back out of the way and Eveline throws herself
into the back of the Transport and slams the door. "I'm in, get us the
fuck out of here". "Way ahead of you." I throw the transport into a 180
degree turn, accelerating away down the street.
Hopefully one final Gain Ground as we high-tail it away from this ambush.
Gain Ground + Edge (2)
[Weak Hit: 1 + 2 + 0 = 3 vs 1 | 7] - Retain control and mark progress
Mark Progress 10/10 [**********]
Take Decisive Action:
[Strong Hit: Progress 10 vs 1 | 5] Take +1 Momentum (+4)
Objective achieved: Escape the ambush.
only been driving for a few seconds when we pass half a dozen a
security quick response units heading the other way. I hit the brakes
and, for a few seconds, there's silence. Then Eveline pushes her
armoured form through the hatch and drops into the passenger seat. "Nice
driving! No offense but I didn't know you had it in you! Your new
friend doesn't seem to appreciate it quite so much." Her face is
flushed, but she's grinning ear to ear. "My new friend?" I ask blankly. "The guy out
back, looks like a delivery driver." I'd forgotten about him. I slip out
of the chair and pause at the access hatch as I go to check on E.R.I.C
and apologise to the man whose vehicle I hijacked. I look round at
Eveline. "Bodyguarding seems to suit you." She swings her feet up onto
the dashboard and leans back in her chair. "You're living up to your
promise. Got to live up to mine."
Connection (Dangerous): Eveline Durant - Guard: 4 boxes]
Well that wasn't the session I expected to play, but I've got some ideas for the fallout. I never did think up a good twist for that match on the Compel roll, so we'll let that go and pick up as we finally arrive at the bar next session.
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Starforged - Mina the lore keeper: Session 7, The wrong place at the wrong time
The exit ramp touches down on Bulwark's sand-encrusted landing pad and I take the lead, E.R.I.C. behind me and Eveline bringing up the ...
Sometimes you make a buying decision that doesn't work out the way you planned. Having had fantastic luck with a bundle of m...
The World Since this is my first session we start by establishing the truths of this world. Bear in mind the 'Truths' in an Ironswor...
Session Start Health: +5 Spirit: +5 Supply: +4 Momentum: +2 Tethered: Nabuma village Deshi sets out in a North Easterly direction. It o...
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