Monday 14 October 2024

Starforged - Mina the lore keeper: Session 7, The wrong place at the wrong time

The exit ramp touches down on Bulwark's sand-encrusted landing pad and I take the lead, E.R.I.C. behind me and Eveline bringing up the rear. I double and triple checked the route before leaving the ship; I've been to this trading city dozens of times but never to this particular bar. Walking out of the climate controlled ship is like walking out of a fridge and into a blast furnace. Eveline an I are both wearing desert goggles - pretty much a necessity on this world even in the cities, and the lenses almost immediately began to darken as they sense the bright afternoon sunlight.

This is a short walk across town, along a well-researched route. But I think there's an opportunity for something to happen en-route. None of the journey moves are quite right, so we'll face danger with wits to represent vigilance.
Face Danger + Wits (2)
[Miss: 2 + 2 + 0 = 4 vs 8 | 4]
Pay the Price: 28 - Your action causes collateral damage or has an unintended effect
Location (Inhabited) theme - Peril: Signs of unrest or rebellion
We've established that this sector is in the midst of a Civil War. I'm getting some proper Rogue One vibes from this scene, so let's roll with that.

Gather Information + Wits (2)
[Strong Hit: 3 + 2 + 0 = 5 vs 4 | 2] +  2 momentum, but we're already maxed out.

I keep an eye on the doorways and windows as we pass, and I know Eveline is watching the rooftops. At the same moment I see a hooded figure duck back into cover to avoid my glance, she sends a terse message through the comm, "Sniper rifle up high 10 o'clock. Break break break." I grab E.R.I.C. and throw myself into the nearest doorway, backing up as far as I can into cover. I don't see Eveline but I trust that she's found something solid to hide behind. I put one hand on my holstered laspistol and pause, breathing as lightly as I dare.

All is still for 10 seconds, and just as I'm beginning to wonder if we've overreacted the first explosion goes off.

The street empties as energy bolts start flying, and I catch a glimpse of Eveline sighting down her rifle from a doorway across from us. A figure stands up and lines up a grenade toss from further up the road - Eveline is focused on her target and hasn't seen it. No time for comms, I draw my pistol and fire off a flurry of lasfire in their direction hoping to distract them.

I think this probably counts as entering the fray, and since I'm getting the drop on someone we'll roll it with Shadow.
Enter the Fray + Shadow (1)
[Weak Hit: 2 + 1 + 0 = 3 vs 1 | 3]
We take control. I don't think we're the target of this ambush, so I'm going to set this as a dangerous encounter. Combat Objective will be to escape the ambush.

Strike + Edge (2)
[Strong Hit: 3 + 2 + 0 = 5 vs 1 | 3] Mark 2 progress (that's 4 boxes for a dangerous encounter)
Progress 4/10 [****______]

The grenade thrower drops their grenade and throws themself back into cover. A few seconds later there's an explosion and gunfire from that location stops. I hear a voice in my ear "they're onto you, move it" and Eveline starts laying down fire at a point a couple of dozen meters ahead of me. I see a glint from the rooftop opposite and run for the cover of a transport vehicle stopped in the middle of the street.

Gain Ground + Edge (2)
[Miss: 4 + 2 + 0 = 6 vs 6 | 6] with a match
Burn momentum (+10  reset to + 2)
[Strong Hit: 4 + 2 + 0 = 10 vs 6 | 6] with a match
Mark Progress 6/10 [******____]
+2 Momentum (+4)
Definitely worth burning momentum, and we get some back right away. Since our objective is survival, finding better cover is suitable narrative progress, and it also turns that match into a positive twist rather than negative.
Action Oracle: Release
We are next to a transport. If we were to open it, what would we let out?
Theme Oracle: Knowledge

As I skid to a halt behind the transport I hear a plink as an old fashioned slug round ricochets off the chassis of the vehicle. A bulletproof hiding place sounds good; I yank the rear door and to my surprise it opens right away. Inside I see the driver pressed against the front of the compartment where there's an access hatch from the front seats. He scrambles as he sees me standing there holding the pistol, and doesn't seem too happy when I climb inside. I point the pistol away from him and shout to be hear over the general chaos.

"I'm not going to shoot you. I landed on this planet fifteen minutes ago. What the hell is going on?"

Compel + Heart (3)
[Strong Hit: 3 + 3 + 0 = 6 vs 4 | 4] with a match
+1 momentum (5)
We'll come back to that match. For now, let's pick up the knowledge from the last match roll.

Warily looking at the pistol he shouts back "government sympathisers attacking patrols. They appear, all hell breaks loose for a few minutes and then they vanish. Military advice is to get the hell off the streets and let them handle it". I grimace, "wish I'd followed that advice." I glance up at the access hatch.

Is there some kind of bio-security lock? Seems likely.
Ask the Oracle: 85 - No

I'm pleasantly surprised to see that there doesn't seem to be a lock. "If you see an annoying golden droid out back do me a favour and haul him in will you?" I push through the hatch staying low without waiting for an answer. I climb into the driver's seat, keeping my head down, and try very hard not to think about how stupid this next move is. I risk a glance out the window to see if E.R.I.C is still where I left him.

Is E.R.I.C. still in the spot where I left him? Likely.
Ask the Oracle: 12 - Yes
Is he damaged? 50/50
Ask the Oracle: 73 - Yes
What kind of harm have they suffered?
D6 Fortune roll: 4 - Serious Harm (-2 health)
Companion takes a hit + their health (1):
[Miss: 2 + 1 + 0 = 3 vs 3 | 8] - It's worse than you thought
Either E.R.I.C loses another health point and goes down or I take -2 momentum.In this case I think I'll take a momentum penalty (3). It fits the fiction - getting a damaged E.R.I.C. into the back of the transport is going to slow me down and leave me a sitting duck for precious seconds.

E.R.I.C. is there but he's slumped in the doorway. Sparks are pouring from his hip actuators and one of his legs is lying on the floor next to him. Swearing, I slew the transport over to the building and run back through the hatch to pull him in.

Face Danger + Heart (3)
[Weak Hit: 2 + 3 + 0 = 5 vs 5 | 3] - Succeed at a cost, make a suffer move.
As much as he can be annoying, I think Mina is pretty attached to E.R.I.C. The fiction suggests they've been together for a while, and she's not a fighter so I don't think she's accustomed to seeing a companion take damage, even if it's a bot. This would be a very stressful experience.
Endure Stress: Serious Stress, -2 Spirit (3)

It looks worse up close. I lose a valuable second to despair as I pick up the severed leg and stare at it, but an explosion and a burst of charge fire bring me back to my senses and I toss the leg into the back of the transport, grabbing hold of E.R.I.C. and supporting the bot into the vehicle. "Hold on tight, we're getting out of here".

I send a comm message to Eveline asking "where are you? I'm coming to get you." The reply comes quickly interspersed by curses thrown at some unseen assailant. "I'm coming to you, cover me". Poking my head round the side of the transport, I see Eveline break cover and start to run. Two figures on the rooftop behind her notice the movement and start to raise weapons. "Oh no you don't!", before I've had time to think the laspistol is in my hand and I fire a wild burst, emptying the rest of the pistol's charge pack in the direction of the rooftop.

Our last combat action was a strong hit on Gain Ground, so we'll pick up from there and Gain Ground again, this time with Heart as we come to Eveline's aid. Mina isn't trying to hit anyone, she wants to get their heads down and stop them firing as her friend runs for cover.
Gain Ground + Heart (3)
[Weak Hit: 3 + 3 + 0 = 6 vs 10 | 1] Retain control and mark progress.
Mark Progress 8/10 [********__]

I don't think I hit anything, but the mini-fusillade does its job. The two on the rooftop duck back out of the way and Eveline throws herself into the back of the Transport and slams the door. "I'm in, get us the fuck out of here". "Way ahead of you." I throw the transport into a 180 degree turn, accelerating away down the street.

Hopefully one final Gain Ground as we high-tail it away from this ambush.
Gain Ground + Edge (2)
[Weak Hit: 1 + 2 + 0 = 3 vs 1 | 7] - Retain control and mark progress
Mark Progress 10/10 [**********]

Take Decisive Action:
[Strong Hit: Progress 10 vs 1 | 5] Take +1 Momentum (+4)
Objective achieved: Escape the ambush.

We've only been driving for a few seconds when we pass half a dozen a security quick response units heading the other way. I hit the brakes and, for a few seconds, there's silence. Then Eveline pushes her armoured form through the hatch and drops into the passenger seat. "Nice driving! No offense but I didn't know you had it in you! Your new friend doesn't seem to appreciate it quite so much." Her face is flushed, but she's grinning ear to ear. "My new friend?" I ask blankly. "The guy out back, looks like a delivery driver." I'd forgotten about him. I slip out of the chair and pause at the access hatch as I go to check on E.R.I.C and apologise to the man whose vehicle I hijacked. I look round at Eveline. "Bodyguarding seems to suit you." She swings her feet up onto the dashboard and leans back in her chair. "You're living up to your promise. Got to live up to mine."

Connection (Dangerous): Eveline Durant - Guard: 4 boxes]
Well that wasn't the session I expected to play, but I've got some ideas for the fallout. I never did think up a good twist for that match on the Compel roll, so we'll let that go and pick up as we finally arrive at the bar next session.

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Starforged - Mina the lore keeper: Session 6, A Fresh Start in a New Sector

New sector rolled up and we are ready to go. Mina would be following the trade routes out of Veiled Keeper space and back to somewhere she can hole up and get her bearings, so we'll begin with a 'Set a Course' roll to see how that journey goes. If you'll forgive me some exposition, I'm going to indulge in a little scene setting in the new sector and we'll get back to media res as soon as I can

Set a Course + Supply (5)
[Strong Hit: 6 + 5 + 0 = 10 vs 1 | 6]
We reach our destination and the situation there favours us, take +1 momentum.
I'm already at the maximum of 10 momentum, but we'll happily take the permission to give ourselves a favourable starting situation on arrival.

The ship rattles and shakes as it exits the jump not too far from the glowing orange star of Vindemiatrix. I let go of a breath I've been holding since shortly before passing through Veiled Keeper border controls and feel the tension leave my shoulders. I silence an alert from the navcomp, set course for the planet of Pyla and start downloading everything I can off the local comms network. This place was a powder keg in the process of exploding when I was last here, and I have a cargo hold full of riot gear. In chaos there is opportunity.

The cockpit door slides open and Eveline walks in stifling a yawn and holding a cup of steaming coffee in the other hand. "This is good" she says proffering the mug. "One of the perks of trading the stuff is always having a fresh supply" I respond, eyes fixed on the latest news reports. "Well, well... looks like the rebels have taken Burnell station. It's Broken Union territory now." I send a quick comm message to E.R.I.C asking him to bone up on Broken Union ettiquette. I'll be needing his help.

"How much galactic politics did you hear on Larissa?" I ask. Eveline shrugs. "OK the short version - this sector is run by a faction called the Fated Domains. Not very well, and possibly not for much longer. Leadership is passed down through dynasties, descendants of the original families that first settled here. They always looked after their people and it always worked OK, but the latest bunch got greedy. They tried to funnel all the mining profits to themselves, and to take control of the military off the generals. The generals didn't like that much, and the people weren't keen on becoming serfs. They splintered and formed a rebel group called the Broken Union."

I scan the news again. "Last time I was here they'd seized control of Bulwark, the military HQ on the planet, and rumour was they'd be pushing for Pinnacle, the mining settlement. But sounds like they went for the Orbital instead." Eveline glances at the sector map and takes a sip of coffee. "Makes sense. Those orbitals are your eyes in the sky. You want to control trade, see who's coming in and out of the sector. For that you need assets in space. Mines are hard to assault, easy to defend. But if you can't sell the stuff you're mining, it doesn't do you much good."

I nod. "Right, but here's the twist. What they're mining is Spice. The whole faction is built on it. Most of the people who live in this sector are spice users, to some extent or other. It's not much good for trade outside Fated Domains space - legally at least, it's minimum class B everywhere else - but cut off the supply and most of the sector goes into withdrawal once the stockpiles start running out. Those mines are the ultimate leverage."

What can I say? I rolled up a desert planet, a planetside settlement with a mining project, and a faction whose quirk is "dependent on an addictive substance". Both the main faction and the fringe group rolled 'Consolidate control of a valuable commodity." He who controls the Spice controls the Igneous Verge sector, apparently.

If I don't roll up an encounter with a Worldbreaker when I go exploring the desert then I'm going to be very disappointed.

Eveline gives a low whistle. "We used to catch shipments of that stuff occasionally and lock up the smugglers. Sometimes the smuggler was also a user. The comedown looked... unpleasant."

"There's no panic in the comms about supply yet, so hopefully the stockpiles will last a while longer. In the meantime we're heading to Bulwark, I have a contact and it sounds like they might be able to use a few dozen crates of body armour. And actually those tasers might be popular with private citizens in times like these. Law and order breaks down, people like to know they can defend themselves."

"That reminds me." I reach over, punch a few buttons and speak a passphrase. "I've authorised you to access the 'armoury'. I forget what's in there, but have a look and kit yourself out as best you can."

I intended to roll "Check your gear" but it's not really intended for this kind of thing, so instead we'll attempt to "Secure an Advantage" by kitting Eveline out with some decent combat equipment. And I'm going to roll +supply, since this doesn't really relate to any personal attributes.
Secure an Advantage + Supply (5)
[Strong Hit: 6 + 5 + 0 = 10 vs 7 | 9]
The mechanical bonus of this will be that Eveline is now equipped to aid me in a wider variety of situations, so I'll be able to take that +1 connection bonus for bigger fights and at longer ranges without putting her at risk.

I get a comm a few minutes later from Eveline complaining about the state of the charge rifle she found out back, but between the contents of the cargo hold and the weapons cabinet she's able to cobble together a respectable combat outfit. I have a laspistol that I don't really know how to use, but I ask Eveline to bring me back one of the tasers. She snorts with laughter, but when she gets back she has one for me.

Within the hour we're on approach to Bulwark and my docking request has been approved. I fire off a quick message to my old contact based in the city and hope they're still around despite the upheaval.  As we touch down on the landing dock I get an affirmative and an invitation to meet up in one of the local bars later that evening. I let Eveline know what's happening. "Danger money starts here." She manages the first smile since we left Veiled Keeper space. "You did promise it would be interesting." I find myself smiling back.

Thursday 3 October 2024

Starforged - Mina the lore keeper: Session 5, Forsaking vows and making new ones


We have a few things to deal with here before we pick up the narrative again. This may end up being a mechanical post rather than narrative, but it's all part of play.

First of all, the vow Find out what they are working on in the secret archaeological settlement known as Forlorn needs to be Forsaken. I'm giving up and leaving Veiled Keepers space, and that has consequences.

Of the suggested costs in the Move description there are three that stand out to me as possibles:
  • You are demoralized or dispirited: Endure Stress.
  • You must abandon a path or resource: Discard an asset.
  • Your reputation suffers: Envision how this failure marks you.
This was an unlucky start to a new game, and it turned into a very static scene that was a bit of a grind by the end, so I don't want to go discarding assets and making my character less dynamic. But maybe I could lose the benefits of an asset until I make amends.
And losing a bit of spirit doesn't seem quite enough.
On the other hand, losing access to Veiled Keepers space and being branded a Spy if I return sounds like reputational damage to me, and seems like a narratively satisfying cost for that failed adventure. So I think this is what we'll go with.

Second thing, we need to get to know Eveline a little better since she's going to be travelling with us. Below is what I rolled when I first arrived on Larissa and was envisioning an NPC for my first interaction:

Name: Eveline Durant
Role: Guard
Goal: Defend a place
First look: Grim, Shifty
Revealed Aspect: Loving, Violent

We're going to roll and re-roll a couple of attributes:

Disposition: Indifferent
Goal: Escape a captor
Revealed Aspect: +Stingy
Callsign: Dash

Sometimes the Oracles are spookily on point. So Eveline's goals have changed to reflect her new reality, and I'm going to read her indifference as a combination of withdrawal and total apathy as it sinks in that she's lost what little she had and has nothing in this universe to ground her again.

Thirdly and finally, we need a new sector and a new vow. The obvious vow is to find and retrieve a Precursor relic, and from our starting point that sounds like a Formidable task.

Swear an Iron Vow + Heart: Find and retrieve a precursor relic (Formidable)
[Strong Hit with a match: 4 + 3 + 0 = 7 vs 6 | 6]
+2 Momentum
That match is interesting,let's roll some Oracles and seed some ideas:
Story Clue: Connects to a known rumor or scandal
Action: Surrender / Theme: Life

We'll bear this in mind when we start gathering information, but with a strong hit making it clear what we must do next, I think we probably learn of a rumour of some fellow lore hunter, maybe an old friend/rival, who was trying to break in somewhere in faction space and was found dead in suspicious circumstances.
I think the benefit of this match will be that, because this happened in the lore hunting community, we're starting with a slate of known contacts who can probably be persuaded to give us more information.
I'll represent this as starting out with a mark of progress in the Vow tracker.

[Mark Progress: Find and retrieve a precursor relic :1 boxes]

All that's left is to roll up a new sector and envision the new vow. Next post we'll jump right into the narrative.

Starforged - Mina the lore keeper: Session 4, An honest question deserves an honest answer

No sense playing dumb, I've been caught in the act. I sit back in my chair and pinch the bridge of my nose between finger and thumb. My mind races. There are no good reasons for me to be asking questions about that orbital, but being outed as an artifact smuggler isn't the worst. This is now all about damage limitation. If they decide I'm a spy for another faction I'll never see the outside of this prison block again.

"I have a client" I say, carefully and with emphasis, "a very wealthy client, who has a great interest in certain specialised archeology. They have heard rumours of a place where some particularly interesting archeology may be found and have tasked me with finding out more about it. It took me weeks even to confirm the name. Given the scale of your operations, your data security is pretty tight."

Half truths and omissions. A dangerous game. No outright lies, but a few exaggerations.

Face Danger (Scene Challenge) + Wits
[Weak Hit: 5 + 2 + 0 = 7 vs 6 | 10]
Mark Progress: [****______]
Clock: 3/4

Both eyebrows raised. "Really? You're just going to confess? No games, no denials?

I give a pained look. For once there's no deception there. "You have me on video saying the name. You have a copy of my Protocol bot's memory. In the unlikely event you let me off this station I'll definitely not be allowed back into Veiled Keeper space, so I have nothing left to lose here. It would be painful to lose my reputation for reliability with my very wealthy benefactor, but much better than rotting in prison."

I hold up my hands. "I didn't smuggle your Simsense. If that's the charge I plead not guilty, but I think we've already addressed that or else you'd still be pressing me on it. Asking about a secret base isn't a crime. I'm still hoping I'll be allowed to leave if I promise not to come back."

Time to take a risk, one more clock segment and I'm lost.
Finish the Scene (Scene Challenge)
[Strong Hit: Progress = 4 vs 2 | 1]
OMG. I was fully expecting to end this playthrough in a Veiled Keepers prison, but perhaps Mina still has a little more story to tell yet.
You achieve your objective unconditionally: Get out of this interrogation without incriminating myself

I hold my breath. That wasn't my most eloquent speech, but what it lacked in technique it made up for in total defeatism. 

The lieutenant smirks and makes a note on his datapad. "Well I appreciate your forthrightness, let me be equally candid." A pause. "We've been watching Eveline for a while now. Too many quiet chats with too many captains; too many suspiciously light cargo manifests. We thought by watching her we might catch her handler, but it seems we overestimated her. She's a simple addict taking simple bribes."

He places the datapad on the table and leans forward, arms crossed in front of him. "We have placed your ship on a blacklist. I am convinced that you are a trader, and that the small amount of information you have uncovered is of extremely limited utility. You may travel out of Veiled Keepers space using the most direct route, and if you return your ship will be impounded and you will be arrested as a spy."

He gets up and walks towards the door. As he punches in the keycode he says "Report to the guard station on the way out." The door slides open and he marches out of the room. I'm left to find my own way down the corridor to a worn desk where a bored guard makes me sign a small stack of paperwork. I'm told E.R.I.C will be delivered to my ship within the hour, and if I'm not leaving the station within five minutes of his return I'll regret it.

As I'm on board waiting for E.R.I.C to be delivered, Eveline appears in civilian clothes. She looks like her whole world has just collapsed around her, which it probably has. "I can wait to be court marshalled, or I can choose exile." She looks down. "There's nothing left here for me. No one will give me a job with a narcotics charge on my record." The question remains unasked, but I know why she's come to me.

I look at her and surprise myself by feeling some small pity. She brought this on herself, but she's still the only friendly-ish face on the station. She has the build of a fighter and she knows her way around a charge rifle. I'm going to need to go big with my next precursor attempt to make up for this. It would be handy to have someone who can fight or threaten.

Test Your Relationship + Heart
[Weak Hit: 6 + 3 + 0 = 9 vs 1 | 9]
Develop Connection with Eveline (Dangerous)  [**________]
Looks like she's going to be part of the crew. The obvious consequence for that weak hit is that she's an addict without her supply, which is likely to cause some problems down the line.

I say to her "I have a spare bunk if you want to get out of here. And I could use some help with my next job if you're interested in earning a little danger money?" She nods. "I... they confiscated everything. I don't know how well I'm going to cope without..." she tails off.

This is a concern, but I don't show it. "I'll keep you busy". She nods again and I take her up the boarding ramp and show her to a bunk. "Rest for a bit. Use the ship's computer. I promise you, once you're off this toxic helhole real life gets a whole lot more interesting. You won't need the Sims." I head back to the cockpit with a sense of foreboding and start planning my next jump.

Monday 30 September 2024

Starforged - Mina the lore keeper: Session 3, Interrogation

My bot lets me know when an hour has passed. Shortly after that our guard comes back. "The Lieutenant is ready for you, follow me." He stops at the door and turns to me, "Your robot can wait here".

The protocol bot would be a useful ally in an interrogation. It seems unlikely I'll change this underling's mind but I decide the benefits outweigh the risks. 

"E.R.I.C here is programmed with the cultures, languages and customs of every world and every sector we know about. I'm a stranger in Veiled Keeper territories; an outsider who has only the most rudimentary knowledge of your laws and social conventions. I rely on E.R.I.C to tell me when I'm running afoul of your laws, or inadvertently causing offense. Allow me to take him into the interrogation room - he won't speak except spoken to, and he'll keep me from landing myself in even deeper trouble. I've not been arrested, so I assume I'm here in my capacity as a concerned citizen and just helping your enquiries for now?"

Compel + Heart
[Weak Hit: 4 + 3 + 0 = 7 vs 2 | 9]

My guard actually stops and considers it. "The bot is also a potential witness I suppose. You've chosen to involve him, so you will allow us to make a copy of his memory in case it helps our investigation."

Fuck. I'm careful to compartmentalise my operations just in case of something like this. E.R.I.C doesn't know about my interest in Forlorn, but his memory will have references to my search for Precursor artifacts. He doesn't know about the illegal Simsense I smuggled in for Eveline, but he does know I'm here looking for leverage over useful contacts and that I'm not particularly pure in my methods. No worse than any other jobbing trader perhaps, but it's not going to play well with this crowd.

We follow through to the interrogation room. It's the world's most bleakly functional table and three uncomfortable-looking chairs. I seat myself on one side of the table and the guard sits opposite. A man in slightly smarter uniform walks in and sits in the remaining seat at the end of the table off to my right. I can't keep both in view at the same time - that's definitely a tactic. E.R.I.C takes up position behind my shoulder.

I'm gong to run this interrogation as a scene using a tension clock.
Objective: Get out of this interrogation without incriminating myself
Begin the Scene: Dangerous
Clock: 0/4

As the Lieutenant shuffles papers I take the initiative and ask E.R.I.C "excuse me Eric, but I could use your advice on the customs here. What does it mean f I have been coerced into an interrogation room but not arrested or told why?"

Secure an Advantage (Scene challenge) + Wits
[Weak Hit: 4 + 2 + 0 = 6 vs 6 | 2]
+2 Momentum (5)

E.R.I.C responds "by the laws of Veiled Keepers territory it would not be permissible to coerce you anywhere if you have not been placed under arrest, unless the supervising officer suspects clear and present danger to the Veiled Keepers, their property or their citizens. In that order. They may instead ask you to go with them voluntarily in order to assist with their investigations,which request you are, of course, at liberty to refuse."

The Lieutenant looks up at the bot in irritation. I place my hands on the table, palms up in a gesture of appeasement. "So am I voluntarily helping you with your investigations, which I'm happy to do, or is something more serious going on here?"

Face Danger (Scene Challenge) + Heart
[Miss: 1 + 3 + 0 = 4 vs 6 | 9]
Not enough momentum to burn that into a weak hit. This is a bad start.
Clock: 1/4

He levels a carefully blank stare at me and I can tell this wasn't the right approach. Either he knows I'm hiding several somethings, or he's got an incredible poker face. "Tell me about your relationship with Eveline Durant."

I try to keep the sudden alarm off my face. My relationship with Eveline is polite and transactional. She has no particular loyalty to me, and therefore no reason to cover for me... except to keep me from exposing her role in gathering intelligence on the Forlorn research orbital. Which, now I think about it, doesn't look any better for me than it does for her. I can't expose her without condemning myself. If she's been caught with the Simsense and she's named me as her supplier... my only hope is that fear of the personal consequences has kept her from testifying against me, and that the Lieutenant is just doing his job and shaking down the outsider who was seen talking to her alone earlier today.

There's no way he hasn't started reading something into that pause. I play into it; maybe I can muddy some of these lines of enquiry. "Professional, for now. I was kind of hoping she might be open to something a little less professional off duty..."

Secure an Advantage (Scene challenge) + Shadow
[Weak Hit: 6 + 1 + 0 = 7 vs 9 | 6]
+2 momentum

His face is carefully blank, but there's no immediate retort. This angle explains my keeping the conversations out of earshot of her squad, the note asking her to meet me at the bar, the slightly covert nature of some of my past coversations with her. I get the impression I've bought myself some leeway. I risk a glance at the guard and see a smirk on his face.

I ask "is Eveline OK? Did something happen to her?". I have to pitch my concern at the right level for someone whose relationship with the subject so far consists of 'unsuccessful flirting', but the concern is genuine even if it's much more self-interested than they know.

"She was found in her quarters immersed in a Simsense programme. When we searched her living space we found several other chips hidden away. Simsense is a class B narcotic in this sector. You wouldn't know anything about that would you?"

My answer here will be the defining moment of the interrogation. If I evade they'll know I'm hiding something. If I'm anything less than convincing they'll know I'm involved. With calculated alarm and not a moment's hesitation I say "Simsense? I've heard of it but I don't trade in narcotics. I have nothing to do with whatever you've found on her."

Face Danger (Scene Challenge) +  Shadow
[Strong Hit: 4 + 1 + 0 = 5 vs 1 | 2]
Oh wow I needed that.
Mark Progress: [**________]

As I'm saying it I can feel the truth of the statement. It's not true, but I feel it and I can see that it cuts through. Starting with a truth gives me the run-up I need to sell the final sentence.

E.R.I.C cuts in. "Eveline Durant sees dozens of pilots every day. Many of them will have incentive to smooth the way with a customs inspector, and many of them will be less honest than my Captain." An excellent point from my protocol bot, sowing seeds of doubt.

Face Danger (Scene Challenge) + Wits + Protocol Bot assistance
[Miss: 4 + 2 + 1 = 7 vs 7 | 9]
Pay the price. This interrogation is about to take a dramatic turn for the worse.
Clock: 2/4

The lieutenant looks up. He meets my eyes and doesn't deviate as he passes orders to the guard. "Soldier, take this bot down to engineering and get them to copy his memory please." The guard stands and leads the bot out of the room. It's no great loss to this interrogation, that bot has been worse than useless, but he's the closest thing in the room to a friendly face and I feel a small sense of loss as he passes out of sight.

The Lieutenant checks to make sure the door has been secured and then turns back to me with the smallest of grins. "I too meet many pilots every day, some more honest than others, but very few are stupid enough to ask questions about secret governmental archeological sites in the middle of my cargo hold. Tell me, how you did find out about Folorn?"

And I realise my trouble here has only just started.

Monday 29 July 2024

Starforged - Mina the lore keeper: Session 2, Searching for new leads

I spend the next couple of hours on my day job. Places like this are always looking for some of the more exotic raw materials and little luxuries that they can't get through their big trade contracts. And there is absolutely no one in this galaxy who won't buy coffee. I don't have a hauler, so smaller loads of more luxurious items are my stock-in-trade. I sell out most of my stock of alloys and a decent amount of fresh food.

This settlement is a weapons manufactury so in return I pick up some small arms and riot control gear - strictly non-lethal. Rumour has it that one of the other founding factions is stirring up internal trouble. The opressive and unqeual society of the Veiled Keepers is brittle and vulnerable to rebellion if given a spark. Other factions see their militaristic and expansionist tendencies and make a point of setting that spark every now and then to keep the Keeers busy and inward facing.

I'm not thrilled about the idea of selling weapons to local mercenary forces in the pay of the Oligarchs, but it's a necessary part of keeping my trading privileges and allows me to keep visiting these territories in search of precursor tech. I placate my conscience by not buying or selling lethal weaponry. And I am open to the idea of a crate falling off the back of the ship into the hands of local rebels if it can be arranged safely.

[D6 Fortune roll: 2]

With rebellion in the air outsiders like myself can't get hold of the good stuff. Basic body armour is fine, but for offensive weaponry nothing more advanced than ancient pattern hand-held tasers. I don't really care - someone will buy it, and in this region of space it's all just cover for my real goal.

Finally I hear the shift change announcements begin over the tannoy and I know the spaceport bar will be starting to fill up. I summon E.R.I.C, my protocol bot, to meet me at the off-ramp and together we walk toward the bar. On the way I explain that my first priority, if Eveline shows up, is to see if I can get her to spill any information on other notable characters in this station who might have... needs... that are difficult to fulfil in this locked-down environment. If she doesn't show, which is likely, I'll be listening out for opportunities to make a new contact. E.R.I.C points out that off-worlders might be as valuable as workers and employees. They're less likely to have useful clearance or authority, but much more likely to talk and since their personal finances arn't being monitored, much more amenable to bribes.

We arrive and I grab a table in a booth - not so good for overhearing conversations, but essential if I want to avoid being overheard.

Ask the Oracle: Will Eveline show up at the bar?
[Unlikely: 56. No]

I finish my first drink with no sign of Eveline and decide she's probably in a virtual stupour in her quarters. I'm not entirly disappointed, I have a strong feeling that overlooking the occasional bit of contraband is probably going to be the limit of her usefulness as a contact.

I leave my table and find a standing space near the bar where I can be closer to the centre of things. Sipping my drink I tune into the converstions around me.

Gather Information
[Miss: 1 + 2 + 0 = 3 vs 10 | 9]
Pay the Price:
You are delayed or put at a disadvantage
Action: Surrender / Theme: Authority

My first mistake of the evening. I'm so focused on what people are saying, I fail to hear trouble walking up behind me. It's only when I feel the clap of a hand on my shoulder that I realise something has gone very wrong.

A space opens up around me as I turn and see one of the station guards standing there holding a datapad. He double checks my face and puts it away. "Come quietly please ma'am, we have some questions for you." There are two more guards at the bar entrance, these ones standing casually but with batons drawn. I realise there's no wriggling out of this. It's not a case of 'what have I done?', but 'what have they found out about?'.

I put down my drink, signal to E.R.I.C, and follow the guard out of the bar. His colleagues fall in behind us as we walk away, out of the publically accessible areas and deeper in the facility. I'm taken to a featureless room with a stark overhead light and a few uncomfortable looking chairs around the walls. "Wait here". I'm left in silence to consider my position, a deliberate tactic I'm sure but not ineffective. My protocol bot remains quiet, an unusual occurence but I suspect it's probably the right move. There is nothing to be gained by talking here, however innocuous the conversation. Silently, we wait.

Sunday 28 July 2024

Starforged - Mina the lore keeper: Session 1, Landing at Larissa settlement

 As I power down my ship, I walk down the off-ramp and submit to the usual security inspections. As an arms manufactory for the Veiled Keepers the inspections are tight and the guards can't be bribed. At least, not with cash.

I spot Eveline at the head of the inspection team and walk over, pulling out a datapad and putting on a show of trying to make small-talk as we walk back toward the ship until we're out of earshot of her team.

"Anything on board I should be worried about?" she says in a low voice as we feign a detailed inspection of the contents of the pad. I shake my head and she raises a hand into the air and motions toward the ship. With her other hand she keys her comm. "Secure the cargo area, download the nav logs for the last journey, I'll be there in a second". She side-eyes me and gestures at my pad, "If you'll be so kind...?". I give a wry grin and navigate to the ship functions, unlocking the logs for the most recent journey. This isn't my first visit to this place, and I made sure my starting point for this trip was above suspicion.

As her team board the ship I turn so that I'm facing away from the security cameras (at least, the ones I'm aware of) and ask "you have news? About Forlorn?" A sharp intake of breath and she growls "don't say that name here. It's not safe". I bow my head in apology and she composes herself. "You have something for me first?"

[Action: Suppress / Theme: Humanity. Sounds like an escapist thing to me. Drugs or illegal Simsense.]

 I nod and say "I'll leave it in the usual place. What have you got for me?".

Swear an Iron Vow: Find out what they are working on in the secret archaeological settlement known as Forlorn
[Weak Hit: 4 + 3 + 1 = 8 vs 10 | 5]

"A data stick. Air gapped. Coordinates. And an old security code. It's be best I can do, they run searches. I tried to get you something current but it's locked up tight. You'll find it in the drop."

Mark Progress [**________]

Coordinates is something, but it doesn't do me much good if I get blown to bits the second I get within sensor range. I need more information, but Eveline's the first person on this station with even moderate influence that I've been able to find any kind of leverage over. I don't like being on the wrong side of the law, but as a trader in Veiled Keeper space, just existing is borderline criminal.

We play out the rest of the inspection without any further conversation. I have what I need from her. Even if this lead doesn't work out, we're now bound by a shared secret - she knows I've smuggled illegal materials into the base and I have concrete evidence that she's passed military intelligence onto an unauthorised 3rd party. I know which of us comes off worse if this gets out.

I need another angle. If Eveline can't deliver me the clearance I need, maybe she can deliver me someone who can. Or maybe I should give up this fool's errand and leave Veiled Keeper space. The whole faction gives me the creeps.

Later that day as I drop off and collect Eveline's stuff from the drop point I leave her an old fashioned paper note saying I'll be in the bar this evening if she finds herself off-duty. I don't expect that she'll show up when the alternative is several hours uninterrupted time with a new Simsense, but I'll need to be here for a couple of days doing mundane trades if I want to keep my cover and with the toxic spillover making outdoors a no-go zone this is a particularly boring place to be stuck, and she's still the only person I know.

Starforged - Mina the lore keeper: Session 7, The wrong place at the wrong time

The exit ramp touches down on Bulwark's sand-encrusted landing pad and I take the lead, E.R.I.C. behind me and Eveline bringing up the ...